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Brave new world: The artificially intelligent language model that is changing everything

January 16, 2023

Welcome to the world of ChatGPT, a highly innovative artificial intelligence (AI) language model that is taking the world by storm and transforming the way we create, consume, and interact with text. Take a second to imagine having a personal writing assistant who can produce extraordinarily high-quality content, summarise, or provide a wealth of information in just seconds. That is exactly what using this model is like, in fact, it told me so itself.

With its vast amount of flexible language and text capabilities, ChatGPT is a creative, a worker, a trainer and a scholar all in one, available for unlimited use at the fingertips of anyone who dares to greet it.

So let's dive in and explore the possibilities that ChatGPT has to offer you. Join us as we discover how this powerful language model can help you create, consume, and interact with text like never before.

Hello, My Name is: ChatGPT

In simple terms, it is a state-of-the-art artificially intelligent language model that can create and produce human-like text. Its main capabilities lie in writing and creating content that would once have been extremely tedious and time-consuming. Using ChatGPT is similar to having a very knowledgeable and efficient writer at your disposal 24/7. It is able to produce content such as blog posts, news articles, and captivating stories in just seconds.

ChatGPT stands for ‘Conditional Language Generative Pre-Training transformer’. A bit of a mouthful but essentially it is AI technology that has been trained on a large dataset of text meaning it can understand and generate text very similar if not exactly like that which has been written by us humans.

I asked ChatGPT to tell me about its creation. It answered:
“I was created by OpenAI, a leading AI research institute. My training data and development were started in 2020 and the model was released in 2020, However, the model is being updated and improved regularly. As a machine learning model, I am not capable of creating or existing by myself, I exist only as a software and my performance relies on a combination of data that was fed to me during the training phase and the architecture of the neural network that I am using. My creators are a team of scientists, engineers, and researchers who are working to create and apply advanced AI technologies for the benefit of humanity. They have a goal of developing and promoting friendly AI in a way that benefits all of humanity.” (ChatGPT, 2023)

Although you know for certain that you are conversing with a machine, its grammar and language use is eerily human-like. But this powerful tool is not something to fear. It’s not trying to take over the world or worse, steal your job, it is a helpful tool that can make its users much more productive and valuable in their daily contributions to work and society.

The Creative

One of the most impressive things about ChatGPT is that it can create high-quality content instantly. With this technology’s assistance, you can generate a variety of textual media like product descriptions, headlines and even creative text like stories and poetry.

The best thing about it, and what sets it apart from similar technology that came before it, is that it is actually coherent and oftentimes, insightful. You can request it use different tones or writing styles and most of the time it can implement your requests instantly.

ChatGPT is very versatile and can be fine-tuned on different datasets to generate text for specific industries and cases. For example, it is able to generate legal text but it is also able to create meal plans and exercise regimes. It’s all got to do with the quality and relevance of the data used to fine-tune the model, or, what it produces is only as good as what you feed it.

If you’re looking to explore using AI more creatively, OpenAI’s DALL.E 2.0 technology allows you to generate very specific, niche images by providing a short, written description of what you want in the image. For example, I typed in the following, ‘A magic purple wizard pig relaxing on a beach, digital art’ and in less than 5 seconds, DALL.E 2.0 generated the image below along with a few other similar quality options.

A piece of digital art created by DALL.E 2.0 of a cute purple pig wearing a witch's hat lying on its stomach on a towel on the sand with a book in front of it and the ocean in the distance

The Worker

We have all had the experience of reading a long-winded piece of text and having little understanding of its message or purpose by the time we have reached the end. In these situations, having a summary and breakdown of the main points of the text would be extremely helpful.

With ChatGPT by your side, you can have that summary in seconds. It is capable of quickly and accurately distilling main ideas from a piece of text and presenting them in an easy-to-digest format. Moreover, if you do not initially understand ChatGPT’s summary you can always ask it to rewrite it in another way. ChatGPT describes this function as “like having a mini-CliffNotes, but way cooler and more advanced.” (2023) So no need to continue to slave over dense paragraphs for hours.

ChatGPT can also summarise emails and messages you’ve received, and better yet it can help you summarise your own writing when you’ve exceeded a word limit by a noticeable amount. It doesn’t want to make you feel like reading its summaries is a chore either, so it can add jokes and puns or use a playful tone to keep you entertained while keeping you informed.

The Trainer

When it comes to fitness and healthy eating, sometimes a little assistance or even just a second opinion can be extremely validating and motivating.

For your fitness regime, ChatGPT can craft a workout plan that is tailored to your specific goals, current fitness level and the equipment at your disposal. It can guide you through proper form and technique, preventing any injuries and ensuring you meet your fitness goals as soon as possible.

It also is your in-home chef, providing personalised nutrition recommendations based on your dietary requirements, needs, and goals. It provides creative recipes, schedules, and cooking tips to help with the weekly cooking and meal prep.

ChatGPT can also provide information on general health and wellness topics including stress management, sleep, and hygiene due to its extensive database and resulting knowledge on many, many helpful topics.

The Scholar

Thanks to the vast amount of text ChatGPT was trained on, it has a large knowledge base and a huge amount of information at its disposal. From science and technology to art and literature, ChatGPT can tell you about almost everything and anything you’re interested in. It’s like thousands of encyclopedias joined together but entirely up to date.

Do you want to know how to care for your potted Cyclamen? It will provide a number of tips to keep your plant healthy and flourishing. Confused as to how to use the technique of mise en abyme in a creative piece? ChatGPT will write you a short story using this technique and then a summarised description of how it has done so.

It can provide insights and explanations regarding the context of questions, instead of being confined to bland factual answers. It's like a fountain of information and wisdom, ready to pour out whenever you need it.

We Come In Peace

While there is a lot of uncertainty regarding artificial intelligence as it continues to progress and evolve, we hope that having taken a look at ChatGPT with us has shown you its many benefits and vast potential. ChatGPT can create content to aid you in your work or daily life, it can summarise long or difficult to understand text, and with the help of its knowledge base, it can also inform you on most topics. AI like ChatGPT does not exist to steal your job or uproot your life, it exists to make you a more efficient and valuable member of society.

Curious as to how you can begin making use of AI in your daily life and work? Stay tuned for our next article on artificial intelligence and its benefits in business.

Article By
Gabrielle Mee

Gabrielle is a multi-skilled creative with a background in communications and English literature. Specialising in copywriting, content creation and graphic design she is dedicated to producing content that shapes brands in a unique, creative and reputable way.