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The future is now: Learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can boost your business’s productivity

January 15, 2023

Each day new technologies are emerging with the potential and the goal of transforming workspaces into more productive and efficient environments. Artificial intelligence is one of these technologies and it is revolutionising the way that businesses that implement it in their daily operation are functioning.

Machines that can think. A daunting but curious concept from the 1950s that now pervades our daily lives. Artificial intelligence uses computers and other machines to mimic the capabilities of the human mind including problem-solving and decision-making. While many are still unsure of where they stand on the topic of AI, we’re here to inform you of its extensive potential to make your business more efficient and successful.

But you don’t just have to take our word for it. Delve deeper into this article to discover the extensive benefits of this revolutionary technology and see the ways in which it can begin to transform how your time is spent in the workplace.

It’s All About Delegation

Every business owner knows the importance of managing their time effectively and staying productive. However, they also know that more often than not it feels like there aren’t enough minutes in a day to do everything that needs to be done. Enter, artificial intelligence.

What makes AI stand apart from other assistive business technologies is its adaptability and capacity to assist in a wide range of situations. It can answer frequently asked questions, book online appointments, and resolve customer complaints. It also is able to offer personalised responses and experiences to users that will assist with their transactional needs and leave them feeling satisfied with their experience. Having an AI complete tasks such as these frees up workers to tackle other jobs that may need a bit more of a human touch.

Ultimately, increasing productivity by allowing artificial intelligence to handle certain tasks will create a more cohesive working environment and produce high-quality, more thorough results. All of this combined will be extremely beneficial to your workplace's morale, efficiency and of course, profits.

An Avid Multitasker

A standout feature of AI technology is its multitasking capabilities. While humans can only have one conversation with a customer at a time, it can juggle multiple conversations simultaneously. The faster your response time the more satisfied your patrons will be with your business. AI can respond almost instantly, revolutionising the quality of your replies and the speed at which they reach your users.

This technology is capable of answering frequently asked questions as well as any unique user inquiries. The most common example of AI being used in this fashion is Chatbots that sometimes greet customers when arriving on a business’s website. Chatbots typically use a combination of natural language processing, machine learning and AI to understand customer requests.

Consequently, if you’re looking to cut back on the time your customer service team spends answering repetitive questions, artificial intelligence is here to provide top-notch service without even breaking a sweat. Its multitasking abilities make it the ultimate tool for businesses looking to improve efficiency and productivity while keeping their customers informed and content.

Now It’s Getting Personal

Artificial intelligence can help you deliver a genuinely unique and optimally personalised experience to each of your users. Whether you’re booking appointments, resolving complaints, or crafting a specialised shopping experience for a customer, it has got you covered. Delicately crafted personalisation is sure to have a huge impact on your patrons’ perception of your business and improve their overall experience interacting with you.

You have to wonder though how it can do all this. AI’s ingenious technology is able to analyse customer data and create recommendations, marketing outlines, and extensive response options tailored to specific individuals. The ‘you may also like this’ sections on websites while you're shopping are great examples of this particular use of artificially intelligent technology. While such a personalised experience may oftentimes seem unattainable in a busy fast-paced working environment, AI can help your business meaningfully engage with your users. What better way to improve your workflow and make your patrons feel valued and appreciated?

Not Just For the Customer

Alongside its capability to be beneficial to your patrons, AI can also make big differences in the internal workings of your company. For example, it can be useful when expanding your business and informing your employees of new rules and company-wide changes due to its ability at handling employee onboarding and training. This will save time and improve overall efficiency and understanding of procedures.

It is also able to handle more repetitive tasks that employees may have had to previously undertake such as data entry and analysis. Tasks such as these often don’t require a personal human touch, just the correct and concise entry of facts and figures, which Ai is more than capable of undertaking. Even tasks such as optimising and streamlining your business processes can be handled by AI. If you’re looking to improve the efficiency of supply chain management, this technology can identify the areas which can be improved and offer possible solutions by predicting the prices of materials and shipping and estimating how fast products can move through the chain. Assistance such as this will have your company running quicker and better than ever.

So What We’re Saying is…

In a world where time is of the essence and it feels like you’re being pulled in a million directions, artificial intelligence is here to revolutionise the way businesses operate. It can multitask, handle various conversations at once and provide a highly personalised experience for users through data analysis. With this technology on your team, you will see an increase in efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. If you are wanting to explore the ways in which you can implement AI into your business, get in touch with We Think Digital today.

Article By
Gabrielle Mee

Gabrielle is a multi-skilled creative with a background in communications and English literature. Specialising in copywriting, content creation and graphic design she is dedicated to producing content that shapes brands in a unique, creative and reputable way.